Our vision

niet langer fossiel,
maar circulair

One of the greatest challenges facing the Dutch economy and environment is the problem of linear fossil hydrocarbons that end up in the environment. The excessive use of fossil fuels not only has serious environmental consequences but also brings economic risks. Moreover, the dependence on fossil imports causes valuable capital to leave our country. As we strive for an energy transition, fossil hydrocarbons remain an integral part of our energy supply and the production of essential materials. Our vision is focused on a future where the origin of hydrocarbons is no longer fossil. Instead, they should come from renewable sources, such as hydrogen produced by sustainable energy (wind and solar) and biomass. We aim for circularity in this chain, ensuring no burden on the environment.


Towards a circular economy

The solution lies in integrating two key concepts: the hydrogen economy and the circular carbon economy.

Hydrogen economy
On the left of the diagram, the hydrogen economy is presented, driven by electrochemical synthesis. Central to this is the production of hydrogen gas through electrolysis, using renewable electricity. Hydrogen offers a clean solution and plays a crucial role in the energy transition.

Carbon economy
On the right, the circular carbon economy is shown. Carbon is essential for the production of materials such as plastics and energy-dense fuels. Our vision includes an integrated approach where both the hydrogen and carbon economies work together to fully recycle carbon, preventing CO2 and plastic waste from entering the environment.

Carbon recycling defense lines

To prevent carbon loss, four levels of defense can be applied:

1. Hergebruik en recycling

2. Fysische recycling – Mechanische en geavanceerde mechanische recycling, zoals dissolutie

3. Chemische recycling – Pyrolyse en thermische processen

4. Koolstofafvang en hergebruik

Binnen deze strategie streven we ernaar koolstoffen in hun hoogst mogelijke staat te behouden, volgens het Ladder van Lansink-principe. Dit betekent dat we de koolstofkringloop sluiten en alleen wanneer onvermijdelijk, CO2 afvangen en hergebruiken in nieuwe processen.

De toekomst van energie is circulair. Bij OBBOTEC dragen we bij aan een wereld waarin fossiele bronnen worden vervangen door duurzame alternatieven. Samen kunnen we de uitstoot van broeikasgassen verminderen en bouwen aan een schonere toekomst.

Do you want more information about the recycling techniques of OBBOTEC?
Please contact us